不伦瑞克建筑学习重点:建筑和城市设计历史,工业建造和构造设计,建筑设计,城市设计和景观 2、汉诺威大学 (Uni Hannover)地理位置和城市:汉诺威和不伦瑞克同属于下萨克森州,是下萨克森州的首府城市,也是北德工业重镇,名副其实的大城市。汉诺威的经济在下萨克森州这个各方面比较中庸的联邦州来说算是十分突出,这里有闻名世界的...
Heilbronn Hochschule Heilbronn Technik, Wirtschaft, Informatik Business Administration in Transport and Logistics (Master)Heilbronn Hochschule Heilbronn Technik, Wirtschaft, Informatik Produktion und Logistik (Bachelor)Heilbronn Hochschule Heilbronn Technik, Wirtschaft, Informatik Verkehrsbetriebswirtschaft ...
List Subscribe: - Posting Address: - List Owner: - RSS Feed: maillist.xml Gmane Archive: gmane.comp.tex.tetex.beta Gmane Description: discussions about beta releases of teTeX Reputation: GoogleTwitterFacebookBing Archive Localization:
> I'm using tetex from 10/25/02 under solaris 8 compiled with GCC 3.2. And, > whenever I use an accent in math mode I get an error message like: > > LaTeX Warning: > > Command \~ invalid in math mode on input line 63. > > ! Please use \mathaccent for accents in math mod...
would make pdftosrc. Is there any reason that pdftosrc was not made by default? Next problem is; I found in some Japanese web site (or home page?) that said texmf.in should be changed in the following two lines. XDVIINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/{xdvi,dvips//} ...
(admittedly) fancy macro writing, but not so for Omega. It would be iimpossible to simulate the added functionality of Omega in any other way. For that reason, Omega provides a worthy example and inspiration for other developers. Of course, even if Omega were not part of teTeX, it is ...
> (resp. so) and the header files installed at standard places? Whoops, my mistake. It seems that the libraries are created when you are building xpdf, but they are not installed by the Makefiles. So I withdraw this request. > > 2) Would it be possible to include the License statemen...
>> I guess xdvik should try to mimick teTeX's defaults as close as >> possible (because most people installing xdvik will already have >> teTeX installed). > Well, the xdvik in teTeX does not install any map or config file nor ...
I found a bug in the texinfo configure script, causing the test for for library with termcap variables always to fail. Here's a patch. --Paul Vojta --- cut here --- --- utils/texinfo/configure.ac.orig 2003-01-31 08:48:57.000000000 -0800 +++...
Hi, when configured to use the Adobe Base 35 fonts updmap erroneously maps the fonts from the phv*8an family to Helvetica-Condensed instead of Helvetica-Narrow. I have included a patch for updmap below. Regards Felix --- tetex.orig/updmap Mon Sep 2 11:16:34 2002 ...