<uni-easyinput type="text" v-model="formData.name" placeholder="请输入姓名" /> </uni-forms-item> <uni-forms-item label="年龄" name="name"> </uni-forms-item> <uni-forms-item required name="hobby" label="兴趣爱好"> <uni-data-checkbox multiple v-model="formData.hobby" :localdata=...
Uni-app开发笔记 记录开发各种报错 datetime forms 状态机 Storage nav-bar 一、uni-app简介 官网:https://uniapp.dcloud.io/ PC端;移动端:(APP,WebApp);纯原生:(IOS,Android ) 应用商店;H5 Hybri
1、创建md5.js 在存放js的文件夹里面创建md5.js(这个名字可以自己随便起,不要忘了是干嘛的就行)我是在utils里面创建的,可以随便放,只要引入的时候路径写对就行因为md5.js太长了,我放在了文章的最后,直接复制到创建的md5.js中就行了 2、引入md5.js 没什么操作难度,直接把创建好的md5.js引入就行了我这里使用...
<uni-easyinput placeholder="请选择经度" v-model="formData.longitude" trim="both" disabled></uni-easyinput> </uni-forms-item> <uni-forms-item name="latitude" label="纬度" :label-width="labelWidth" label-align="right"> <uni-easyinput placeholder="请选择纬度" v-model="formData.latitude" ...
因为在Delphi 引入 FireMonkey后,Delphi实际上支持两种UI。一种以前老版本的VCL,一种就是FMX。所以,在XE6中,你会看到以这样的PAS单元。比如以前缀FMX开头。是为了区分。知道这么一层关系后,就知道怎么解决问题了。直接把 vcl. 去掉。 变成Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, 然后再编译。
6.给 uni-forms 中 uni-easyinput 修正值不生效。 比如这里,在input事件给 val 改为了数字(你问为啥不用 type number,因为可能有其他处理)。这里使用v-model控制的值,在input事件中修正错误的值,但实际上并为生效【跟踪发现其实值是改了的,但是在表单提交的时候发现值又变成修正前的值了,应该是uni-forms内部...
1,首先在官网下载对应的文件; 下载链接:https://www.layui.com/ 当然你也可以常识其他的方式:这里有链接,可以自行尝试:https://www.layui.com/doc/ 2,把解压后的文件放到static目录中 3,在html入口也引入相应的文件。 4:组件内的使用情况: 5:成功... ...
The podiums are generated by the simulation of fluids in the parcel to create an intermixing scenario of forms using the built forms as obstacles that are obtained from the global form. The fluids are differentiated based on the colours red, pink, cyan and blue. The colours of the fluids ...
The idea that the Olympics could be changed from their current scale, commercialism, rigid planning and could “use” the countryside as an environment to experiment with more improvised, spontaneous and less rigid forms, feels liberating.
Fill in the forms. ( )1.—How long ___ you ___ here? 一、中考链接 选择题 —For about two years so far. A.have; studied B.did; live C.do; stay D.were; swimming ( )2.We have known each other ___ ten years ago. A.for B.ever C.about D.since ( )3.There is ___ pol...