Bad Honnef Internationale Fachhochschule Bad Honnef - Bonn (International University of Applied Sciences) Transport Management (Master)Berlin bbw Hochschule Staatlich anerkannte private Fachhochschule Wirtschaftsingenieurwissenschaften - Logistik und Supply Chain Management (Bachelor of Science)Berlin...
University of Bonn (Uni Bonn) University Hospital Bonn (UKB), Uni Bonn Affiliated joint institutions and consortia A2 Collaboration B-Fields in OB Stars (BOB Collaboration) Belle Collaboration Bioeconomy Science Center (BioSC) Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology ...
官网 Rheinische 学校详情: 波恩莱茵弗里德里希·威廉大学,简称波恩大学,是位于德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦州波恩市的一所公立大学,也是欧洲大学联盟和德国U15大学联盟的成员。其主楼坐落在风景秀丽的德国莱茵河畔,是一所著名的研究型大学。在2016夏季学期,约35,619名学生就读,其中有大约4000名来自世界各...
Smartwatches are a fast-expanding type of interactive device. They are wearable computers that can be dependent or independent of the user’s smartphone. At the moment, one of the problems of this kind of devices is that they do not offer a usable means of text entry. In this paper, we...
technology in the 21st century and to spread our innovative technology over the surrounding area as the intellectual source for manufacturing in Central Japan. 3. Contribution to the Future: We aim to develop science and technology to solve the central problems of the 21st century, such as ...
Flexible schedules are academia’s gift and curse. When I began my tenure-track position in Bonn in 2014,less than 30 per centof German mothers of children under 15 worked full time. I reflected often on how lucky I was to be able to do daycare runs when it was my turn, then work ...