综合所有国家的总体海外申请录取率是12.5%。 The highest acceptance rate subjects are: Classic (49%), Modern and Medieval Languages (38.1%), Archaeology (37.9%), Music (37.8%), Theology, Religion & Philosophy (31.5%), Geography (31.5%). Some popular subjects and their success rates: Economics ...
Jonathan Simons, director of education at Public First, pointed out that the data for the academies line would include both converters – traditionally high-performing schools – and sponsored academies. “The former will mostly have high HE entry rates all the time but in recent years a lot of...
°Brix values were measured with a handheld refractometer (type 45–81; Bellingham + Stanley Ltd., Tunbridge Wells, UK). The refractometer was calibrated with sucrose as standard. About 1 μl phloem centrifugate from eitherP. insititia(nnon-infected = 6,ninfected = 6) orP. persica...