Stat Priority for Unholy Death Knight Hit to cap; Strength; Haste; Armor Penetration; Critical Strike; Expertise; 2. Stats Explained for Frost Death Knight DPS 2.1. Hit Hit Rating is crucial as the largest limitation onUnholy Death Knight's damage is Rune cooldowns, so it is important to ma...
Unholy DK Stat PriorityUnholy DK Enchants and Gems 7. Unholy Death Knight Viability in The War Within The Unholy Death Knight is 100% viable in The War Within. We have strong burst, good cleave and great AoE potential, as well as being incredibly tanky!
Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail) - hekili/TheWarWithin/DeathKnightUnholy.lua at 61364623e12780e6b17f140516a0c4adc4f37314 · Hekili/hekili
Unholy Death Knight The War Within Stat Priority 2. Best Gems for Unholy The War Within has the Culminating Blasphemite epic gem, giving both a good chunk of Strength, as well as increasing your Crit with each unique gem colour you equip. We want to make the most use of this effect,...
Unholy Death Knight Guide Hero TalentsLevelingEasy ModeBuilds and TalentsRotation, Cooldowns, and AbilitiesStat PriorityGems, Enchants, and ConsumablesGear and Best in SlotMythic+ TipsNerub-ar PalaceMacros and AddonsSpell List and GlossaryHow to ImproveFrequently Asked QuestionsSimulations ...