UNHGraduateSchool 系统标签: unhgraduateschoolthesistitleauthor UNHGraduateSchool Master'sThesesfromFall,1990toPresent AcademicYearofGraduation:Fall2014toSummer2015 Biochemistry AuthorThesisTitle Gargan,JamesRRecombinantProductionofaTetheredGlycoproteinHormone ofNovelsubunitCompositionWithDemonstratedinVitro ActivityattheGona...
I had majored in Anthropology and Justice Studies at UNH. I wanted a better understanding of the systems that I was working with and knew that many clinical systems were going to Web Application route. This program seemed like a great choice because of its Web focus and partnership with UNH...
Pre-work:There was a fair amount of pre-work and an interview before the first class begins. Again, I suspect it is to gauge the experience of the class. It's also good practice for anyone who hasn't been in school for a while. At the very least it provides a means to practice ...