That way, you will not have to fry your brains by reading their posts, which will happen without unfriending them. Unfriending or blocking someone can come across as too harsh to avoid someone. So, you should take a break from them on Facebook. Was this helpful? Last updated on 27 ...
While you can already permanently unfollow folks on Facebook without defriending them altogether, snooze gives users even more control over their news feeds by adding an additional layer of customization. After all, your annoying friend isn’talwaysannoying, so while you may not have the energy ...
New York, Nov 9 (IANS)If you have unwillingly accepted friend requests from annoying acquaintances, who occupy unnecessary space in your Facebook news feed, you could now unfollow them without unfriending them. Facebook has launched a News Feed settings tool to let you control posts that you...
The "admins" are, as previously stated, spending time on it already. My argument, if you'll read back, is that I'd much rather have the customization in my hands than theirs because then I'll get what I want without having to worry about anyone else's notions. Notions such as how...