Tailwind CSS: Unexpected token 'export' The only solution I have right now is to switch breakpoints.js to use module.exports as follows: module.exports = screens = { 'sm': '640px', 'md': '768px', 'lg': '1024px', 'xl': '1280px', '2xl': '1536px', } I'm using Node versio...
vscode-tailwindcss bra 0.8.6 path-intellisense chr 2.8.1 gitlens eam 12.1.2 vscode-html-css ecm 1.13.1 prettier-vscode esb 9.5.0 auto-rename-tag for 0.1.10 copilot Git 1.38.6394 copilot-labs Git 0.2.221 discord-vscode icr 5.8.0 fix-relative-imports-to-baseurl iul 1.1.9 dotenv mik...
错误:带有 React、vite 和 tailwindcss 的 Docker 容器,出现错误 Unexpected token 'export'问题描述 投票:0回答:1我正忙着建立一个项目,我想将 Docker 与 React、vite 和 Tailwinds 一起使用。使用 docker 尝试安装 tailwind 时出现以下错误 错误消息:docker /app/postcss.config.cjs:1 导出默认值{ ^^^ 语法...
...\node_modules\@material-tailwind\react\index.js:1 export * from "./components/Accordion"; ^^^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export' at compileFunction (<anonymous>) at Object.compileFunction (node:vm:352:18) at wrapSafe (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1031:15) at Module._compile...