[grpc-io] Re: while using server-side stream message, client always got: code = Unknown desc = Unexpected error in RPC handling I'm sorry that reply you late. The service side code was written in c++: Status RobotControllerServiceImpl::RegisterNotification(::grpc:: ServerContext* context, ...
And in Pygls' case, JsonRPCProtocol._handle_notification() does not attempt to return any errors to the client. It does however at least catch and locally log errors. So, this changes gears a little. Unchanged is that we're still wanting to improve error handling for data_received. But...
Error [1722]:The RPC server is unavailable ERROR 5 (0x00000005) Accessing Source Directory when using PowerShell/ROBOCOPY and invoke-command Error Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Identity' because it is null. error handling during get-acl access denied error in configuring a powershell script ...
I have a powershell script that I had successfully used a couple of days before and created a MySQL Flex database. I tried to create another database and I was getting an error regarding admin login. I have made some efforts until I understand that…
I have been getting this error whenever I install libraries. On starting the app, the anaconda logo appears. After a bit it crashes and I get led to this error. Tried a few common fixes like uninstalling and re-installing anaconda, using "conda update conda" but the issue still persists:...
thrift RPC 修改源码支持获取client ip 使用thrift做项目的时候,用到了thrift框架,后来遇到一个很棘手的问题,就是在使用TBinaryProtocol TFramedTransport TNonblockingServerSocket等协议时,服务器端不支持获取client的ip地址。 011 连接SQL Server报错 将框架从.NET6升级到8,顺便将各种依赖包也升级,容器化部署到...
Handling COM Threading in ASP.NETScenario: Unexpected Process TerminationConclusionHandling COM Threading in ASP.NETAny new technology has to be able to work with existing technologies because rewriting existing code can be cost prohibitive, and there is always the possibility of introducing new bugs ...
2013-07-21 22:12:29,116 ERROR [RpcServer.handler=2,port=59060] master.HMaster(1289): Region server lars-francke.com,49775,1374437547564 reported a fatal error: ABORTING region server lars-francke.com,49775,1374437547564: I'm dead 2013-07-21 22:12:29,117 INFO [pool-1-thread-1] regi...
Warning Failed 3m15s (x4 over 4m43s) kubelet Failed to pull image "k8s-workload": rpc error: code = NotFound desc = failed to pull and unpack image "docker.io/library/k8s-workload:latest": failed to unpack image on snapshotter overlayfs: unexpected media type text/htm...
We managed to reproduce this error in the following dremio versions: 21.1.1 20.1.0 The error appears in the dremio ui like this: In the server.log file, it appears something like this: 2022-05-17 23:03:01,546 [Fabric-RPC-Offload46] INFO c....