针对你遇到的“clickhouse unexpected end of file from server”问题,这通常表明客户端在与ClickHouse服务器通信时,连接意外中断。以下是一些可能的解决步骤和检查点,帮助你定位和解决问题: 确认ClickHouse服务器状态: 确保ClickHouse服务器正在运行。你可以通过系统服务管理工具(如systemctl、service等)检查ClickHouse服务的...
root@clickhouse1:~# cat ~/passwd metrika:x:1000:1000::/home/metrika:/bin/bash clickhouse:x:106:108:Clickhouse server,,,:/nonexistent: remove "\n" at the end of file, and then run query from documentation # cat ~/passwd | sed 's/:/\t/g' | clickhouse-client --query="SELECT shel...
HI, I am getting "DB::Exception: Unexpected packet Data received from client" while executing the query. Got only few instances of those but hoping to find the reason behind it?? Clickhouse-go version: 1.3.7 Clickhouse-version: 20.1 Went...
1、Clickhouse连接端口默认8123,但是Clickhouse默认情况下不允许其他设备进行http连接,所以需要更改clickhouse的默认配置: 1 [root@master local]# vim /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml 新增一行,默认是注释的,让本地服务可以远程连接远程部署的Clickhouse服务,如下所示: 如果不添加上面的配置,远程连接,报下面的错误,...
Connected to ClickHouse server version 21.1.1 revision 54443. Create table. For example CREATE TABLE t0 (c0 String, c1 Int32) ENGINE = Memory() ; Insert with incorrect syntax INSERT INTO t0(c0, c1) VALUES ("1",1) ; log INSERT INTO t0 (c0, c1) VALUES Query id: d1edaaf0-5e...
But, when i start client it fails as below: sudo clickhouse-client ClickHouse client version 1.1.54383. Connecting to localhost:9000. Code: 102. DB::NetException: Unexpected packet from server localhost:9000, ::1 (expected Hello or Exception, got Unknown packet)...
ClickHouse server Any yehonatanwe added the bug label Feb 21, 2024 This was referenced Feb 21, 2024 support for group by with totals #383 Closed fix(query): add with totals case (issue #382) #384 Merged ernado closed this as completed in #384 Feb 22, 2024 ernado added a comm...