Unexpected end of archive is a common error message users may encounter when unzipping RAR or Zip files with WinRAR. In this post, you can find two effective ways to solve this problem smoothly and easily.
【★】哈喽【★】.压缩文件显示 Unexpected end of archive .先试试使用WinRAR打开压缩文件按下图尝试修复,..如果压缩文件损坏不算严重,有一定几率可以修复..如果修复不了,就说明压缩文件已彻底损坏了,无法修复!或者压缩包是分成几个部分的分卷压缩,你没有下载完全。只能重新下载或拷贝。祝你顺利搞定这...
在遇到gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file tar: unexpected eof in archive tar: error这类错误时,我们可以从以下几个方面来分析和解决问题: 1. 确认问题背景 这个错误通常发生在尝试解压一个gzip压缩的tar文件时,但是解压过程中遇到了问题。这可能是因为文件本身在创建或传输过程中被损坏,或者解压命令使用不当。
Some guy before me suggested that the file is indeed just a renamed archive (.zip)... So... I renamed the file to [filename].zip, opened it in winrar and pressed ALT + R (tools -> Repair archive) after the winrar process had thrown an "Unexpected end of arch...
Eliminate unexpected end of archive RAR error due to corruption after CRC errors, bad sectors, virus infections, downloading interruptions, etc on Windows OS
是非常可靠和强大的软件来修复损坏的RAR压缩后得到错误消息。此修复工具,具有友好的用户界面,即使是新手用户,这有助于修复和恢复损坏的RAR文件,在几分钟之内从他的文件。这个工具是能够修复RAR文件是腐败,由于下面列出的场景: CRC错误,而压缩下载的RAR文件
Samuel My WinRAR archive was damaged. When I tried to extract the files from it, it said "Unexpected end of archive" error message. So I came here for solutions. Now everything is fine. Thanks for your help! 8 years ago Reply
The “Unexpected end of archive” error occurs when the RAR file is damaged, often due to interruptions during the download, virus attacks, or attempts to open it with unreliable software. While WinRAR has an inbuilt repair feature, it may not always work, especially if the corruption is seve...
Method 3: Use WinRAR to Fix the “Unexpected end of Archive” Error for Free By following the steps mentioned below you can fix the unexpected archive error. Firstly, browse to the drive or folder where yourcorrupt ZIP fileis present. ...
.压缩文件显示 Unexpected end of archive .先试试使用WinRAR打开压缩文件按下图尝试修复,..如果压缩文件损坏不算严重,有一定几率可以修复..如果修复不了,就说明压缩文件已彻底损坏了,无法修复!或者压缩包是分成几个部分的分卷压缩,你没有下载完全。只能重新下载或拷贝。祝你顺利搞定这个问题.~\(≧▽≦...