关于你遇到的错误消息“unexpected character 'b' (code 98) in prolog”,这通常表明在解析XML或类似格式的数据时,在预期的文件开头(prolog)部分遇到了不合法的字符。下面是一些可能的解决步骤和原因分析: 1. 错误消息的含义 “unexpected character 'b' (code 98) in prolog”:这表示在解析XML文件或类似格式的...
When I do a test call in soapUI, the call succeeds so I've written the HTTP client object to mimic the soapUI call as closely as possible. In the ABAP code, the HTTP request does reach the Fieldglass server, but the response is: Unexpected character '-' (code 45) in prolog; expect...
""Unexpected character 'H' (code 72) in prolog. this was the issue coming what ever we change the code. UpvoteReply John Paul kPhTwmWNb 2 years ago encode format, %dw 2.0 import * from dw::core::Binaries output tex...
Inbound processing in endpoint at /<endpointName> failed with message "SoapFault:faultstring=Error reading XMLStreamReader: Unexpected character '-' (code 45) in prolog; expected '<' at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,1]; faultcode={http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Client", cau...
Unexpected character 'XXXXXX' (code NN) in prolog; expected 'XXXXXX' at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,1] The data does not match what is expected to valid XML. A blank document may be present; re-importing the XML profile should resolve this A special character may need...
Unexpected character 'F' (code 70) in prolog; expected '<' I think this is just because there is something wrong with the receiving end and they return something that's not an XML document starting with<. Usually we just try again multiple times and if the problem still persists we ask...
Embedded message: Unable to create XML files from data, the document may not be well-formed xml ; Caused by: Unexpected character '[' (code 91) in prolog; expected '<' at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,1] com.boomi.dataparser.DocumentStructureException: Unable to create XML files fro...
When you use the Make Web Services deployment wizard to deploy a SAS® Stored Process as a web service, the following exception might occur: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxUnexpectedCharException: Unexpected character 'E' (code 69) in prolog; expected
先是报错Error reading XMLStreamReader: Unexpected character... 前面删除了,就报错后面的文本值 将所有标签中的文本值删除后报错: Error reading XMLStreamReader: Unexpected EOF in prolog 通过网上查询,有人说是格式错误,仔细检查后发现格式并没有错误,也通过软件自身的校验校验成功 ...
Caused by: javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=PARSER_ERROR: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxUnexpectedCharException: Unexpected character '"' (code 34) in DOCTYPE declaration; expected a space between public and system identifiers at javax.xml.stream.SerializableLocation@66b866b8 ...