There are bruises on my body I can’t explain. Days after leaving the hospital, I discover one on my sternum, a yellowing circle that is tender to the touch. Was it because my husband rubbed his fist across my chest to try to revive me when I passed out in the hallway as our daugh...
I knowfillerscan be a controversial topic right now, but I don’t regret a thing. It was only minimally expensive and a few little bruises, but it’s given me the biggest confidence boost imaginable. In my first blog photoshoot, I realized how much of a difference the filler had truly ...
Now, no one wants surgery, especially to one of the most vital organs in your body, but this thing had started to hang over me like a sword of Damocles. I hesitated to leave the area for long periods because what if it happened when I was away from my doctor and hospital where all ...