Some of these practices are mainly influenced either by the undue institutional expectations of research esteem or by changes in the journal review process. These malpractices can be divided in two categories relating to (a) methodological malpractices including data management, and (b) those that ...
Medical Financial Acronyms Wikipedia ethics ethics,in philosophy, the study and evaluation of human conduct in the light of moral principles. Moral principles may be viewed either as the standard of conduct that individuals have constructed for themselves or as the body of obligations and duties that...
This paper endeavours to delineate the discourse concerning the necessity of animal experimentation. Using the utilitarian approach (cost-benefit analysis), the benefits of animal experimentation (vivisection) to society, especially in the field of medical research, outweigh the unavoidable costs. W......
While these accounts are damning, Geison previously had written a paper in 1978 examining the unethical practices of Pasteur. In it, we can find greater details on the deceptive anthrax and rabies methods Pasteur employed. Geison also provided some rather revealing information regarding rabies such a...
Medical profession must identify those involved in unethical practices amongst its rank, start self-monitoring and self-accountabilityJawaid, Shaukat AliPulse International
Doctors, medical ethics, unethical practices, healthcare system, consumers.Aman KumarSanjeev KumarR. SinhaB. KumarArvind Prasad
(0.001, 7.12), but according to the gender and academic rank of the respondents, no significant difference was observed in the averages.#The findings of this study show some clear instances of unethical practices in the field of research among faculty members and academic groups, and it ...
Additional Article Data - Doctors criticise Indian Medical Association for ignoring unethical practices | The BMJundHwadmin
Some doctors in India have decried what they say are attempts by the Indian Medical Association to deny the prevalence of unethical practices in medicine and to resist key government initiatives that are expected to improve healthcare services in the country.The Forum for Medical Ethics Society ...
The Vaccine-Autism Connection: A Public Health Crisis Caused by Unethical Medical Practices and Fraudulent Science. Ann Pharmacother. 2011;45:1302-4.Flaherty, D.K. (2011). The vaccine-autism connection: a public health crisis caused by unethical medical practices and fraudulent science. Ann. ...