Animal Research: Ethical or Unethical? essaysAnimals should be used in Psychological Research as long as the benefits of the experiments outweigh the cruelty imposed upon the animals. While there is obviously ample gray area as to what should be consider
PsychologistHarry Harlowperformed a series of experiments in the 1960s designed to explore the powerfuleffects that love and attachmenthave on normal development. In these experiments, Harlow isolated young rhesus monkeys, depriving them of their mothers and keeping them from interacting with other monke...
These are clearly descriptions of a man who manipulated the data from his experiments in order to obtain the desired results so that he could gain the accompanying prestige. Based on this picture, Pasteur’s character isn’t a very promising one nor would it be easy to trust the results of...
In summary, although pornography tends to include dehumanizing acts, the correlational evidence on the relation between pornography and dehumanization is mixed and the experimental evidence on the relation between media that reflects common stereotypes and viewers’ attitudes about women does not examine po...
on MTurk. Second, while not explicitly being a representative sample, MTurk participants respond similarly to large random samples of U.S. participants in traditional experiments (Berinsky et al.2012; Paolacci and Chandler2014). Third, research has shown that MTurk users respond to incentives to ...