摘要: A response of several Doctors of Podiatric Medicine (DPMs) including Charles Morelli, Michael Trepal and Elliot Udell to a letter to the editor about a round table discussion on dispensing footcare products to a patient as unethical behavior of a podiatrist are presented....
Students and the unethical behavior during academic years Magdalena Iorga a* , Tudor Ciuhodaru b , Sandy-Narcis Romedea c a Technical University Iasi &Center for Health Policy and Ethics, University of Medicine and Pharmacy G.T. Popa, Str. Gen Berthelot 2,Iaşi, 700483, Romania b Center ...
Transformations that have been taking place in Polish economics in the space of the last twenty years caused a great number of positive changes in many companies as well as significant drawbacks in the organizational behavior. Therefore, it seems vital to determine the factors which influence the ...
One category of teacher behavior was judged by more than 50 percent of respondents to occur frequently in the public schools. That behavior was “gossips to other teachers about a student” (66.4%). Five other behaviors were judged by more than one third of respondents to occur frequently. ...
Meta-Analyzing the Differential Effects of Emotions on Disengagement from Unethical Behavior: An Asymmetric Self-Regulation ModelEthics are an important element of all kinds of social relations and conflict. Yet ethical scandals abound in various areas, including business, law, politics, medicine, ...
摘要: In this article the authors report the results of a random survey of members of the Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW), in which their perceptions of the behavior of group leaders was evaluated as being ethical or unethical.关键词:...
Just as people use self-control to diet (e.g., to resist a tempting piece of chocolate cake), people use self-control to refrain from engaging in tempting, unethical behavior (e.g., submitting an in- flated expense report or taking office supplies home). Muraven, Pogarsky, and S...
'The future of regulation is culture': opportunities to change unethical behaviour in business and public administration in Brazil Isolated application of the deterrence theory isn't enough to solve most of the problems regarding unethical behavior in business and enterprises, as demon... C Hodges,...
The Herpes vaccine trial defiantly shows that there is still room for this type of unethical behavior, so does that mean that there is always room for some sort of utilitarian practice in medical research? This is hard to answer because, with the strict procedure that researchers have to ...
From the New England Journal of Medicine “In some cases, Pasteur’s behavior may be termedshowmanship,but in othersit clearly amounted to deception”(Fee 1995).” doi: 10.1086/393744. These are clearly descriptions of a man who manipulated the data from his experiments in order to obtain th...