PyTorch >= 1.1.0 Torchvision >= 0.3.0 future 0.18.2 matplotlib 3.1.3 numpy 1.16.0 Pillow 6.2.0 protobuf 3.11.3 tensorboard 1.14.0 tqdm==4.42.1 Data This model was trained from scratch with 18000 images (data augmentation by 2000images) Training dataset was fromDeep Automatic Portrait Matt...
UNet3+/ UNet++/UNet, used in Deep Automatic Portrait Matting in Pytorth pytorchunetportrait-mattingunet-plusplusunet3plus UpdatedOct 3, 2023 Python Sakib1263/TF-1D-2D-Segmentation-End2EndPipelines Star31 1D and 2D Segmentation Models with options such as Deep Supervision, Guided Attention, BiCon...
UNet3+/UNet++/UNet, used in Deep Automatic Portrait Matting in PytorthDependenciesPython 3.6 PyTorch >= 1.1.0 Torchvision >= 0.3.0 future 0.18.2 matplotlib 3.1.3 numpy 1.16.0 Pillow 6.2.0 protobuf 3.11.3 tensorboard 1.14.0 tqdm==4.42.1Data...
UnetPlusPlus is a powerful architecture for image segmentation tasks, known for its ability to capture fine details and achieve high accuracy. By using the segmentation_models_pytorch library, you can easily implement UnetPlusPlus and other state-of-the-art segmentation models in PyTorch. In summar...