The UNESCO: IBE education thesaurus United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris, 1973. 199 pp. Available in the U.S. from Unipub, Box 433, New York, NY 10016. $6.60, paper Author links open overlay panelMary Jane Neff (Social Sciences Librarian)Show more Add to...
IBE: UNESCO International Bureau of Education. 来自 ERIC 喜欢 0 阅读量: 118 摘要: The UNESCO International Bureau of Education is a leading institute in the field of curriculum, valued both for its specialist knowledge, expertise and networks, and for providing curriculum support services that ...
The UNESCO: IBE education thesaurusdoi:10.1016/0093-061X(77)90075-2Mary Jane NeffGovernment Publications Review (1973)
This thesaurus is a tool for indexing and retrieving documents and data in the field of education in an international context. Introductory materials include a description of the thesaurus and discussions of its relationship with other thesauri, the thesaurus as an international instrument, its coverag...