Open source, wiki travel guide to UNESCO World Heritage List with information, photos, activities, maps, travel tips and more. Created by the amazing members of Travellerspoint.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites aredeemed such due to their “outstanding universal value”in the fields of science, history, or culture, and are “important to the collective interests of humanity.” The sites are considered cultural property and are legally protected by international treaties. These s...
Ancient Jericho has been inscribed on the Unesco World Heritage list. (Photo: Berthold Werner, via Wikimedia Commons) The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Committee has decided to inscribe the ancient Palestinian city of Jericho, also known as T...
Decorated Farmhouses of Hälsingland (UNESCO World Heritage Site)本地名称Hälsingegårdar (UNESCO Världsarv) 位置瑞典 标签 联合国教科文组织•遗产 查看更多 Erik-Anders i Asta,… @ Annika64 更多信息以及联系方式 Wikipediaälsingegårdar 地址 Galls...
In June 2002, the Mahabodhi Temple complex was included as a UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India. Check other details of Mahabodhi Temple on this Wiki Article Humayun’s Tomb, Delhi Name of NWH Site: Humayun’s Tomb State: Delhi Year of Notification: 1993 Humayun’s Tomb was dedicated ...
The ancient walled city is one of Syria’s six UNESCO World Heritage sites. 这一古老的有墙之城是叙利亚六座联合国教科文组织世界遗产之一。 omegawiki 世界遺產 All sites and immaterial culture that has been nominated and confirmed for inclusion on the list maintained by the international World...
Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. The memory of the World International Register, since 1997. Water resources management, through the International Hydrological Programme (IHP), since 1965. World Heritage Sites. World Digital Library....
— Want to see any (or all) of these amazing UNESCO World Heritage Sites for yourself?Contact one of our travel specialists todayto start planning your trip! Images: Wikimedia Commons, Flickr, Wikipedia, MaxPixel, Pixabay
committeestrippedthe English city ofLiverpoolof its status as aWorld Heritage Site,citing“the irreversible loss of attributes conveying the outstanding universal value of the property” due to new development. PerDeutsche Welle, Liverpool is only the third place to ever lose its World Heritage ...
Last week, the Archeological Ruins of Liangzhu City in Zhejiang province and Migratory Bird Sanctuaries along the Coast of Yellow Sea-Bohai Gulf of China in Jiangsu were named UNESCO World Heritage sites, bringing the total number of Chinese places on the list to 55. China now ranks first...