UNESCO (2014). UNESCO institute for statistics database. Retrieved from: http://data.uis.unesco.org/. Accessed May 07, 2014.UNESCO (2014), UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) database, retrieved July 2014 from http://data.uis.unesco.org/....
.uis.unesco 更多信息源 UNESCO 地区办事处 UNESCO 设有多个地区教育办事 处,提供 TVET 的专业知识。 阿拉伯国家:UNESCO 贝鲁特办 事处 .unesco/en/beirut 非洲:UNESCO 达喀尔办事处 .unesco/dakar 亚洲及太平洋地区:UNESCO 曼 谷办事处 .unescobkk 拉丁美洲与加勒比海地 ...
with particular attention given to the role of UNESCO. The second section discusses how the rights-based approach to adult education has been contested by other actors in the field of education for development. In the final section, the author draws on recent empirical data to reflect...
联合国教科文组织统计研究所(UNESCO Institute of Statistics, UIS)所长西尔维娅·蒙托亚(Silvia Montoya)指出:“新冠疫情带来的教育危机并非昙花一现,病例的突然性暴发要求各国教育系统做好随时停摆的准备。”(UIS, 2020b)在这种情况下,信息技术不仅在保障学校停课期间的教育连续性上彰显巨大作用,更因其在加速教育转型、...
[http://stats.uis.unesco.org/unesco/TableViewer/document.aspx?ReportId=136&IF_Language =eng&BR_Topic=0]. Accessed 29 March 2012.UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). N. d. a. Online education database. http://stats.uis.unesco.org/unesco/ReportFolders/ReportFolders.aspx (accessed January...