Find relevant statistics and facts about unemployment. These are often adjusted, as unemployment rates fluctuate seasonally.
Vietnam2. West Bank and Gaza25.4526.2525.3525.92526.39224.4228.65n/a Source: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2024 Related Content Data World’s Largest Companies In 2024 Economic Data ...
The most important statistics Gross domestic product (GDP) in Kenya 2029 Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Kenya 2029 Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Kenya 2029 Kenya: Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP 2029 Share of economic sectors in the GDP in Kenya 2023 Labor fo...
Nigeria. The survey design was adopted for the study and the questionnaire was used to source for primary data. The stratified random sampling technique was employed to choose 200 entrepreneurs from four recognized Local Government areas in Rivers State. The ordinary least square (OLS) method was ...
doi:10.47743/jopafl-2023-28-09NIGERIADELTA State (Nigeria)INFORMAL sectorUNEMPLOYMENT statisticsUNEMPLOYMENTNATURAL resourcesAGGREGATE demandSMALL businessNONFORMAL educationThis study focused on the role of the informal sector in unemployment reduction in Delta State vis-a-vis Eth...
Data and descriptive statistics The current research investigates the effects of financial inclusion and workers’ remittances on unemployment rates in Asian economies. The study utilizes data spanning from 2004 to 2021, encompassing 39 Asian economies. Following the study of Uddin & Rahman (2023), wh...
In a similar direction, Nwaka, Uma, and Gulcay (2015) evaluate the effect of trade policies on Nigeria’s unemployment. They used VECM for time series data from 1970 to 2010, the outcome suggests that while in the short-run, trade openness reduces unemployment in Nigeria; it tends to be...
Assessing COVID-19 Effects on Inflation, Unemployment, and GDP in Africa: What Do the Data Show via GIS and Spatial Statistics? What are the effects of Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19) on inflation, unemployment, and GDP in Africa? Using geo-coded cross-sectional data taken from t......
The findings of the study revealed that unemployment falls for at most four periods in response to contractionary monetary policy shocks while the response dissipates afterwards. Individually, unemployment rate in Mauritius and Nigeria rose in response to contractionary monetary policy ...
The Impact of Unemployment Rate on Productivity Growth in Nigeria: An Error Correction Modeling Approach This paper examined the relationship between unemployment rate and productivity growth in Nigeria for the period 1986 to 2010. The study utilized co-integration and error correction model approach. ...