This paper develops a search and matching model to study the design of optimal unemployment insurance in an economy with unemployment as well as part-time unemployment. Part-time unemployment provides income insurance and serves as a stepping stone to full-time jobs. Unemployment benefits for part-...
full-time:atleast35hoursperweek part-time:lessthan35hoursperweek Part-timeforEconomicReasonsorInvoluntaryPart-time Whenanindividualworkspart-timebecausehe/sheisunabletofindfull-timeemployment.GenderDifferencesinUnemploymentandInvoluntaryPart-TimeEmployment Inthepast,womenhavebeenlessattachedtothelaborforceandhad...
12 Contrarily, part-time workershave more time to hit the gym more oftenand get a better night's sleep. Part-time employment also allows for more efficient management of daily tasks like grocery shopping, doing the laundry, and completing other household chores, ultimately resulting in more orde...
Unemployment benefits for part-timers increase the outflow from unemployment to part-time work but reduce the outflow from part-time work to fulltime employment. We examine the optimal structure of benefits for unemployed and underemployed workers. The results indicate non-negligible welfare gains ...
Furthermore, holding everything else equal, the probability of part-time reemployment does not change over time for women and increases for men, while the probability of full-time reemployment decreases as unemployment progresses for both genders. In addition, for men, my results show that there ...
Moreover, there are welfare gains associated with time limits for unemployment benefits as well as for part-time benefits. The welfare gains from optimal insurance are larger when wages are fixed than when they are flexible. 机译:劳动力的很大一部分是从业人员,因为他们不能按自己的意愿工作,...
In recent years the three related issues of part-time employment, unemployment and new technology have had a significant impact on the female labour market, and are likely to play an important part...doi:10.1007/978-1-349-07605-5_7A. T. Mallier...
Other categories of unemployment include discouraged workers and part-time or underemployed workers who want to work full-time but, for economic reasons, are unable to do so.4 History of Unemployment Although the U.S. governmentbegan tracking unemploymentin the 1940s, the highest rate of unemploym...
The national unemployment rate for October 2024. The rate remained the same from the previous month.3 According to the BLS, those with temporary, part-time, or full-time jobs are considered employed, as are those who perform at least 15 hours of unpaid work for a family business or farm....