A low unemployment rate tends to be associated with an increased average wage, due to the reduced labor supply. This can result in inflation, as employers raise prices to account for increased labor costs. Low unemployment also tends to be accompanied by increased stock prices, because the workf...
Notice of Massachusetts Employers Unemployment Insurance Contribution Rates for 2015905B South Main Street, Suite 203, Mansfield MA, 02048 P 508.339.1300 l F 508.339.1349 l www.hrknowledge.com Page of Unemployment Insurance (UI) provides temporary income assistance to Massachusetts workers who are ...
Equilibrium labor market theory suggests that unemployment benefit extensions affect unemployment by impacting both job search decisions by the unemployed and job creation decisions by employers. The existing empirical literature focused on the former effect only. We develop a new methodology necessary to ...
All types of investment fall, including employers' investment in job creation. According to the leading view of unemployment — the Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides model — when the incentive for job creation falls, the labor market slackens and unemployment rises. Employers recover their investments in ...
Nell HendersonMichael A. Fletcher
The main research question for this study is what is the relationship between social policy, economic development,education, and the level of unemployment in the Nigerian economy This study contributes information to employers, investors, policy makers, labor planners, academicians, employees and the ...
Administrative data allow us to assign the potential level and duration of benefits accurately for a sample of workers separating from their employers, whether or not UI was ever actually received. We then use these values along with marginal tax rates as our main explanatory variables in logit ...