Unfortunately, many state-run unemployment benefits are not particularly intuitive or easy to use. That’s where we come in: Digital Trends has looked through the unemployment benefits sign-up website for every single state and put together a quick guide to getting to the application page, along...
Upon exhausting regular unemployment benefits, you must file a separate application to receive PEUC benefits. Once you’ve signed in to your account online, you will see a link to “Apply for Pandemic Unemployment Compensation.” If you are not eligible for PE...
Your local state unemployment agency will send you form 1099-G to file with your tax return (seedue dates). This form is sent in late January and outlines the amount of benefits paid to you during the previous year. You can also choose to withhold income tax (like you do on a paycheck...
If a person chooses to apply for benefits online, the TWC website provides the application on the website. Go to the Unemployment Insurance Benefits Services page, select "Apply for Benefits" link to open the unemployment application. Alternatively, call a Tele-Center at 800-939-6631 to speak...
District Court Finds That Severance Payments Qualify as Supplemental Unemployment Compensation Benefits and Are Not Subject to FICA.The article discusses a court case wherein Quality Stores Inc. filed refund claims in the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for its allegedly overpaid Federal Insurance ...
Self-employed individuals and workers who receive 1099s who are filing for benefits must also meet the work search requirements to remain eligible. This includes making three (3) job contacts each week, one (1) of which must include filing an application or submitting a resume for employmen...
Note: The PUA program ended on September 6, 2021. While retroactive payments were made (see sections below) for several months following this date, no new or further pandemic related benefits were paid. Currently, only traditional state ...
To take advantage of the benefits of using FDR in a geographical context, local Moran's I is calculated using FDR. Finally, the incremental spatial autocorrelation technique is applied to assess the appropriate distance band to calculate local spatial autocorrelation indices. This technique is also ...
Individuals drawing unemployment benefits often do not want to take up employment as they claim that it is not profitable to do so. Based on the results obtained by this analysis, several variables listed as potential unemployment determinants in Section 3 (e.g., migration, the number of ...