a specific form ofUNEMPLOYMENTassociated with the period between leaving school and entry into employment. In the 1970s and 80s youth unemployment grew steadily in the UK and most of the Western world. Its persistence, and public policy measures designed to alleviate it, led to a number of res...
Development Relevance: Paradoxically, low unemployment rates can disguise substantial poverty in a country, while high unemployment rates can occur in countries with a high level of economic development and low rates of poverty. In countries without unemployment or welfare benefits people eke out a ...
However, progress could be jeopardized by widespread poverty, corruption and the high youth unemployment rate 不过,普遍的贫困、贪污以及青年失业率较高,可能危及进展。 MultiUn In particular, the programme proposes to reduce by half the unemployment rate by the year 该方案尤其是建议在 # 年年底之...
raised the level of unemployment in a secular fashion since the war, in particular the increase in the variation of relative prices, the increase in the benefit to income ratio, the introduction of employment protection legislation and the rise in the intersectoral shifts of the labour force. ...
Besides, addressing the need of unemployed young people, improving access to care for depression is an important next step. Furthermore, we recommend further studies to understand the nature of depression among unemployed young people, and to strengthen the current results....
Indicators of risk of social exclusion for Australia's children : an analysis by state and age group The concept of social exclusion, encompassing a wider view of disadvantage than that of income poverty, is now used extensively in European debates about people at risk of experiencing social disa...
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Young people who spend time being NEET have poorer short and medium term economic outcomes than those who enter work or who remain in fulltime education (Crawford et al.2010; Gregg2001; Mroz and Savage2006; Machin and Manning1999). Our analysis is particularly relevant to recent policy changes...
Poverty alleviationReducing UnemploymentBangladesh is a least developed country (LDC). With so many development requirements it is fighting to reduce unemployment and provide employment opportunity to all of its workable population. There are about 160.41 million people in Bangladesh. The median age of ...
Development Relevance:Paradoxically, low unemployment rates can disguise substantial poverty in a country, while high unemployment rates can occur in countries with a high level of economic development and low rates of poverty. In countries without unemployment or welfare benefits people eke out a livin...