The easiest way to undo the last Git commit is to execute the “git reset” command with the “–soft” option thatwill preserve changes done to your files. You have to specify the commit to undo which is “HEAD~1” in this case. The“git reset” commandcan be seen as theopposite o...
The git reset command is used to undo changes. git reset --soft HEAD~x Put the corresponding number instead of ~x. For example, if you specify ~3, the command will affect the three latest commits. When you use this command you just undo the last commits, but the changes you have ...
关于Git:Git – Undo推送提交git Git - Undo pushed commits我在远程存储库中有一个项目,与本地存储库(开发)和服务器一(prod)同步。我已经做了一些已提交的更改,这些更改已被推到远程并从服务器中提取。现在,我要撤消这些更改。所以我可以在更改前提交并提交新的更改,但我猜将有问题再次将它们推到远程。我该...
History25 Commits .github/workflows feat: start of undo manager Jun 25, 2022 src chore: added test for redo async error Jul 9, 2022 .eslintignore feat: start of undo manager Jun 25, 2022 .eslintrc.cjs fix: eslint configured correctly Jul 1, 2022 .gitignore feat: start of undo manage...
原文地址: git reset最详尽介绍: 总结一下: git reset --hard HEAD~1 git push --force 值得注意的是,这类操作比较比较危险,例如:在你的commit之后别人又提交了新...
$gitlog --oneline --graph * c5bf6c8(HEAD ->master)(HEAD)* 3b641e0 Second commit(HEAD~1)* 21ca1e7 Initial commit(HEAD~2) Our command$ git reset --soft HEAD~1removes the last commit. If we were to remove the last two commits, we would have instead used$ git reset --soft HEAD...
There are a couple of ways to "undo" commits in Git. The "reset" command, for example, allows you to restore your project at any previous revision - effectively "undoing" all the commits that came afterwards. If this what you want to achieve,read more about "reset". ...
Case (2) of staged changes If the file has staged changes, git annex undo first commits those changes (to avoid losing data) and then undoes that commit. This sounds strange. So, if I call git-annex-undo to undo a commit A, but there are staged changes, git-annex-undo will add a...
Installation npm install undo-manager Example Actions (typing a character, moving an object) are structured as command pairs: one command for destruction (undo) and one for creation (redo). Each pair is added to the undo stack: constundoManager=newUndoManager();undoManager.add({undo:function(...
2. Solution This git commandgit reset --soft HEAD~1will undo the last commit, move the mistakenly committed files back to the staging area. Terminal $ git reset --soft HEAD~1 $ git status On branch master Your branch is up todatewith'origin/master'. ...