$ git status On branch main Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/main'. Changes to be committed: (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage) new file: <file> Choose an option and undo your changes: To unstage the file but keep your changes: git restore --staged <file>...
git pull <remote> <branch> Theremoteparameter specifies the remote repository to pull from, and thebranchparameter specifies the branch to pull. For example, to pull the latest changes from themasterbranch of theoriginremote, you would use the following command: git pull origin master Issues and...
04-08 08-VS-git本地:undo和delete 04-08 App打开 01-VS-git远程:push到gitee 04-08 App打开 02-VS-git远程:clone & push & pull 04-08 App打开 03-VS-git远程:sync & merge 04-08 App打开 04-VS-git:branch:新建 & merge 04-08 App打开 05-VS-git:branch:resolve conflict 04-08 ...
Note, if you have been working on a specific branch for a long time, this may revert you back quite far. In that case, you might be better using the previous method - but you should be fine if you have a backup. 😄git reset --hard master@{"30 minutes ago"} ...
Instead, we'll usegit revertto make a "revert commit" (like a merge commit), which will "undo" a specific commit. So the syntax is: git revert [HASH-TO-UNDO] gitlog --oneline f23481b (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) take 3 ...
一:常规办法 1.删除无用的分支 git branch -d <branch_name> 2.删除无用的tag git tag -d <tag_name> 3.清理本地版本库 git gc --prune=now 二:高级办法 注意高级办法会导致push冲突,需要强制提交,其他人pull也会遇到冲突,建议重新克隆。!!!注意这些操作都很危险,建议找个示例库进行...
Instead, we'll usegit revertto make a "revert commit" (like a merge commit), which will "undo" a specific commit. So the syntax is: git revert [HASH-TO-UNDO] gitlog --oneline f23481b (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) take 3 ...
Whilegit checkout origin/master -- path/to/file.txtworks as expected for altered files, it encounters an issue when processing files that were newly added and did not exist in the origin/master branch, leading to an error message of "No such file or directory". ...
Create feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature) Commit changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature') Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature) Create new Pull Request on Github Copyright Copyright © 2014 Alexander Paramonov. Released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE...
Git discard all changes and pull from upstream, You can do it in a single command: git fetch --all && git reset --hard origin/master. Notes: 1 WARNING you will lose ALL your local changes. 2 if you want a branch different than master you have to use: git fetch --all && git res...