git commit 后,想把此次 commit 回滚, 使用:git add 前:执行下面命令 git add .git commit -m "Something test"git log git reset HEAD~git log refer: Undo a commit & redo
你在最后一条commit消息里有一个笔误,已经执行了git commit -m ‘Fixes bug #42’,但是在git push之前你意识到这个消息应该是**”Fix bug #43”**。 方法 你可以使用下面的命令: git commit --amend 或 git commit --amend -m 'Fixes bug #43' 原理: git commit –amend会用一个新的commit更新并替换...
git revert commit 用于撤销某次特定的提交(commit),它会创建一个新的提交来反转之前提交的更改。这意味着,你不会丢失历史记录中的任何提交,而是会有一条新的提交记录来反映撤销操作。 用法: bash git revert <commit-hash> 其中<commit-hash> 是你想要撤销的提交的哈希值。
撤销指定对象(文件/目录下所有文件)的指定commit节点到指定版本(commit id) 例如,我们将commit 节点回滚到1843...;并使用git log查看 恢复到暂存区(可指定恢复的对象) 将此时commit中的内容恢复到暂存区(将暂存区的未提交修改丢弃,接受repositor...
Instead, we'll usegit revertto make a "revert commit" (like a merge commit), which will "undo" a specific commit. So the syntax is: git revert [HASH-TO-UNDO] gitlog --oneline f23481b (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) take 3 ...
If we pushed our changes already to the remote repository we have to pay attention to not change the git history (using commands like rebase, reset, a
Once a commit is pushed, you do NOT want to usegit resetto undo it - becauseresetwill rewrite the history tree, and anyone who has already pulled that branch will have a bad tree. Instead, we'll usegit revertto make a "revert commit" (like a merge commit), which will "undo" a ...
In order to revert the last Git commit, use the “git revert” and specify the commit to be reverted which is “HEAD” for the last commit of your history. $ git revert HEAD The “git revert” command is slightly different from the “git reset” command becauseit will record a new co...
Undo a git add - remove files staged for a git commit $ git reset How to revert Git repository to a previous commit? # This will destroy any local modifications. # Don't do it if you have uncommitted work you want to keep.
B C D四条 operation(也可以理解成 git commit),上述规则完全允许我们独立撤销掉C,形成A B D—...