By understanding these senses, we can gain insight into the remarkable adaptations of fish to their underwater world. Body: 1. Vision: 1.1 Visual acuity: Fish have excellent visual acuity, allowing them to see clearly underwater. Their eyes are adapted to the aquatic environment, with a ...
托福阅读underwater senses of fishTo prepare for a TOEFL iBT reading passage about the underwater senses of fish, you should understand the topic's main concepts and be able to recognize key details. Here's a preview of what you might expect in such a passage: Passage Overview: The passage...
underwater sense of fish托福阅读 摘要: 1.鱼类的水下感知 2.鱼类的侧线感知系统 3.鱼类的嗅觉和味觉 4.鱼类的视觉和听觉 正文: 鱼类在水下环境中生活,拥有独特的感知能力,使其能够在水下环境中迅速作出反应。 首先,鱼类的侧线感知系统非常发达。鱼类的身体两侧有许多小孔,这些小孔称为侧线管孔,它们与鱼体内...