OTA was used to improve label assignment in training for object detection; A CLAHE algorithm was employed for underwater image enhancement. 3.1. Dataset We chose to train and test the proposed approach using the RUIE2020 dataset from the Underwater Robot Picking Contest [51]. The images of th...
During inference, the switching component selects the appropriate atrous rate for the convolution operation based on the output value of the learned switching function S(x) from the training process, allowing the network to dynamically adjust the atrous rate of each convolution operation and aggregate...
During the training process, the RepBlock adopts a complex structure containing multiple parallel branches, which extract features through 3 × 3 convolutions, 1 × 1 convolutions, and batch normalization (BN). This design is intended to enhance the representational capacity of the model. During ...
recognition, which uses the characteristics of the side-scan sonar wreck dataset and improves the network with reference to the Visual Geometry Group (VGG) model, which greatly improves the training efficiency as well as the accuracy of recognition, and results in the faster convergence of the ...
Additionally, for effective model training, we employed the dynamic learning rate method, initializing the learning rate to 0.01 and gradually decreasing it using the cosine learning rate strategy [66]. The batch size was set to 16, and the number of workers was set to 30 to enable multi-...
Since CQT can express frequency information more clearly, the difference in training and validation accuracy compared to combining the Mel-spectrogram is relatively tiny. Thus, it can be concluded that increasing the feature inputs can reduce over-fitting while improving the model’s recognition ...
Dyomin, V.; Davydova, A.; Olshukov, A.; Polovtsev, I. Hardware Means for Monitoring Research of Plankton in the Habitat: Problems, State of the Art, and Prospects. In Proceedings of the OCEANS 2019-Marseille, Marseille, France, 17–20 June 2019; IEEE: Marseille, France, 2019; pp. ...
Translating raw video footage into species-specific, size-structured abundance estimates for stock assessment requires significant effort by highly trained video analysts. The training period for a new analyst can easily take 6 months and can vary among analysts, the number of species in question, ...
hardware and software acceleration techniques are implemented for shape alignment and others are also applicable for fish Electronics 2023, 12, 3338 4 of 29 detection in order to support real-time video processing, (g) a new landmark editor has been developed to easily prepare the training set ...