AcronymDefinition UEB União dos Escoteiros do Brasil (Portuguese: Union of Brazilian Scouts) UEB Union des Entreprises de Bruxelles (French: Union of Businesses; Brussels; Belgium) UEB University Executive Board (UK) UEB United European Bank UEB Ufficio Europeo Brevetti (Italian: European Patent Of...
molded: pump and flow impellers, helical ramp at intake, detection chamber, PMT faceplate, PMT baffle, PMT dome and helical exhaust baffle. Acrylic with 20% loading of titanium oxide was chosen as the detection chamber material and is > 95% reflective between 430-700 nm. Molding the PMT ...
This paper was funded by the Polish Ministry of Defence Research Grant entitled “Vision system for object detection and tracking in the marine environment”. Conflicts of Interest The author declares no conflict of interest. References Del Rio Vera, J.; Coiras, E.; Groen, J.; Evans, B. ...
Receiver design using artificial neural network for signal detection in MC-CDMA system. Int. J. Intell. Eng. Syst. 2017, 10, 66–74. [Google Scholar] Mridula, K.M.; Ameer, P.M. Localization under anchor node uncertainty for underwater acoustic sensor networks. Int. J. Commun. Syst. ...
Define Underwater vehicles. Underwater vehicles synonyms, Underwater vehicles pronunciation, Underwater vehicles translation, English dictionary definition of Underwater vehicles. n. 1. Nautical A vessel that is capable of operating submerged. 2. A subma
We named our new algorithm DSW-YOLOv8n, which is an acronym of Deformable Convnets v2, SimAm, and Wise-IoU of the improved YOLOv8n(DSW-YOLOv8n). To conduct our experiments, we created our own dataset of underwater target detection for experimentation. Meanwhile, we also utilized the ...
The Black Sea, a unique semi-enclosed marine ecosystem, is the eastern maritime boundary of the European Union and holds significant ecological importance. The present study investigates anthropogenic noise pollution in the context of the Marine Strategy
Figure 1 depicts the general block diagram of the UVLC system model, which employs a single source LED and a single SPAD receiver [6]. The SPAD is used in long-distance VLC systems because of its high sensitivity and excellent detection efficiency. The SPAD is specifically made to operate ...