I have a question related to the highlighted passage: if a creature has a swimming speed, but chooses not to use it, would their movement be penalized as per the above rules, or would they get the same benefit [no speed reduction] that creatures using their swimming ...
I figured, creatures with literal wings of course couldn't move through water that easily, but a magically propelled broom wouldn't be aware of the substance it is surrounded with, would it? dnd-5e-2014flightunderwater Role-playing Games Tour Help Chat Contact Feedback Company Stack Overflow...
9.1k 14 57 118 Can you cast Produce Flame underwater? All I could find on this subject was on p. 198 of the Player's Handbook: "Creatures and objects that are fully immersed in water have resistance to fire damage." dnd-5e-2014magicunderwater Role...
Introduction In nature, through natural selection over thousands of years, creatures have developed the ability to swim or fly in fluid media such as air or water. In contrast, the propulsion performance of conventional screw propellers, which are widely used, is poor in comparison with that of...
Water Quality Monitoring Water is an important element; its characteristics can decide the survival of plants and living creatures, including humans and animals. However, ocean ecosystems and other water resources face shortages and pollution issues. At present, the lack of sufficient measures to ...