本维基主要收录游戏传说之下(Undertale)的AU(Alternative Universe)角色。 由于本站正处于建设阶段,请各位同好暂时尽可能不要打扰框架建设过程。谢谢! 注意:请尽量避免使用带有明显歧视色彩的词语来形容任何角色或维基成员,即使这些词语在人物概念中被提及。
九鸭(国小馒头幼儿园) 京 京剧传说Frisk(重置) 宗教之下Frisk 当 当你变成了Frisk时Frisk 旁 旁白之下Chara 桃 桃源之下女性崔福 桃源传说Chara(重置) 棋 棋界传说Frisk 武 武林之下Frisk 间 间谍(Overtime) 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。
Hi there, this a system/list that is here to show the threat level of what your character, item, verse, and so on may be in the Undertale AU Multiverse. It is a list divided up into nine tiers that each go up in power. You may add an individual, group, A
Toby Fox, other than creating the show and voicing Annoying Dog, did nothing else because he was still busy with finishing up Deltarune's development Toby Fox also purposely made Sans the main character because he was aware of his fans ...
{"folderPath":"folders/Objects/Character.yy","order":19,"resourceVersion":"1.0","name":"Character","tags":[],"resourceType":"GMFolder",}, {"folderPath":"folders/Objects/Trigger.yy","order":20,"resourceVersion":"1.0","name":"Trigger","tags":[],"resourceType":"GMFolder",}, {...
Syno!Sans(SHADIKAL15); Syno is, according to the Alphaverse page on the Alphatale wiki, a twin Universe of Aftertale. According to Error404's henchman list on his article, it says that Syno is placed up higher than Nightmare!Sans. ...
HHMM or -HHMM. %Z Time zone name (empty string if the object is naive). %% A literal '%' character. Releases2 Underwatch v1.0.1Latest Nov 2, 2015 + 1 release Packages No packages published Languages Python100.0%
(Mystic uses this soul when corrupted-https://undertale-rp.fandom.com/wiki/Mystic) Broken (Insanity)This SOUL is not currently wielded by anyone yet. I am working on some. If you want to use this, please ask me and give me credit. This SOUL was created by Calibri-Chan. ...
Will character creation be a thing? LennyTale9999on10 Jun 2020, 14:42:24 I think they said on Discord that it's impossible (at least I think, maybe it's possible but it's really hard) Sorry, I'm a bit late SlackinOffon6 Mar 2024, 20:47:56 ...
In 2004, British teenager Peter Morley-Souter posted an internet comic on the website Zoom-Out, which depicts a character shocked to discover Calvin and Hobbes porn on the internet. The comic is then captioned “Rule #34: There is porn of it. No exceptions.” This comic went viral, and...