Doing this will permanently taint your save file, even for future playthroughs. If you want to achieve either the pacifist or genocide endings you'll want to decide that before you start the game. you can also use our Pacifist Walkthrough and Genocide Walkthrough to help you achieve these...
Page 3 of the full game walkthrough for Undertale. This guide will show you how to earn all of the trophies.
claim the human SOULS, and send your save file into purgatory before a head-to-head face-off. In a game of famous boss battles, this is right up there with the dual against Sans, it’s one of the reasons I’ve replayed it so many times. ...
Filename mus_race Location(s) Played When playing Thundersnail BPM ♩ = 150 Key E minor Time Signature 4/4 Media Audio Music Guide Previous Track Chill Next Track Temmie Village do you want to play a game? it's called thundersnail.the snails will race, and if the yellow snail wins,...
Changes to the save file include the line number and a description if one is known. I've taken my descriptions from the Traveler's Guide to the Underland: from some ex...
Filename mus_waterquiet Location(s) Played Waterfall Muffet'sSpider Bake Sale BPM ♩ = 60 Key F minor Time Signature 3/4 Media Audio Music Guide Previous Track Run! Next Track Memory Like most of the music tracks within, this song is also profusely slowed down (played at 50% speed ins...
If you already are familiar with wikiediting, you might want to tryHelp:Style guide. Recent Changeswill let you see others' contributions as they happen. To make Recent Changes more useful for all users, remember to provide an edit summary in the "Summary" field before you save your changes...
The game can erase your save file. The game can close on itself. The game sometimes makes you wait ten minutes before being able to even do anything at all. The game does not have chocolate. Most stores won’t even let you sell your gear. There’s only one save slot. There’s only...
Today's Instructable is going to guide you through the process of installing Undertale on your phone. NOTE: - Your phone has to be an Android phone, sorry iPhone users, it's Apple's fault. - If you successfully finish this tutorial, please do not distribute the finished .APK file; that...
This can be considered more powerful than Determination since this ability cannot be erased by resets, but can be overwritten by saving another SAVESTATE. However this only affects the owner's FILE and not another entity's, but turning into this SOUL in battle will cause you to only flip ...