The PC classic UNDERTALE comes to PlayStation®4 Explore a rich RPG world full of strange and delightful characters where violence isn’t the only answer. Dance with a a dog...whisper your favorite secret to a knight...or ignore all of that
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Fall into the underworld and explore a hilarious and heartwarming world full of dangerous monsters. Date a skeleton, dance with a robot, cook with a fishwoman...or destroy everyone where they stand. The future is yours to determine!
The PC classic UNDERTALE comes to PlayStation®4 Explore a rich RPG world full of strange and delightful characters where violence isn’t the only answer. Dance with a a dog...whisper your favorite secret to a knight...or ignore all of that
而在2017年,有这么一款作品成为了当年唯一一款满分PC游戏,这部神作就是《Undertale》。《Undertale》(非官方中文译名《传说之下》或《地狱传说)》,15年登陆Steam平台并由Toby Fox发行。游戏类型为角色扮演类剧情游戏,在游戏中玩家需操控一个不慎掉落地下怪物世界冠军人类,找到出去的路或者永远留在地下世界。你可能...
PC / Computer - Undertale - The #1 source for video game sprites on the internet!
The PC classic UNDERTALE comes to PlayStation®4 and PS Vita Explore a rich RPG world full of strange and delightful characters where violence isn’t the only answer. Dance with a a dog...whisper your favourite secret to a knight...or ignor
Undertale的官方纪念日是9月15日,这是原版PC游戏的发布日期,这段期间会有特殊庆祝活动: 2016年一周年:创立独立的官方Tumblr,名为 Undertale Q&A,让Tumblr用户向Undertale的角色提问[6]。 2017年二周年:官方Tumblr和Twitter发布了不同的帖子: 官方Twitter宣布可以购买Undertale的内容,包括LINE贴图[7]和PlayStation...
The PC classic UNDERTALE comes to PlayStation®4 and PS Vita Explore a rich RPG world full of strange and delightful characters where violence isn’t the only answer. Dance with a a dog...whisper your favourite secret to a knight...or ignor
Fall into the underworld and explore a hilarious and heartwarming world full of dangerous monsters. Date a skeleton, dance with a robot, cook with a fishwoman...or destroy everyone where they stand. The future is yours to determine!