The PC classic UNDERTALE comes to PlayStation®4 Explore a rich RPG world full of strange and delightful characters where violence isn’t the only answer. Dance with a a dog...whisper your favorite secret to a knight...or ignore all of that
pc Mogelijkheden Single player Meer suggesties Alles weergeven Five Nights at Freddy's 3 € 7,99 Clustertruck € 14,99 Minecraft Dungeons Hero Pass Upgrade - Windows 10Game weergeven Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location € 7,99 Minecraft Dungeons: Season Pass - Windows 10Game weergeven...
The PC classic UNDERTALE comes to PlayStation®4 and PS Vita Explore a rich RPG world full of strange and delightful characters where violence isn’t the only answer. Dance with a a dog...whisper your favourite secret to a knight...or ignor
The PC classic UNDERTALE comes to PlayStation®4 and PS Vita Explore a rich RPG world full of strange and delightful characters where violence isn’t the only answer. Dance with a a dog...whisper your favourite secret to a knight...or ignor
Goat Simulator Windows 10 USD$9.59+ Kill It With Fire USD$14.99+ Hello Neighbor 2 USD$39.99+ Gang Beasts USD$19.99 Donut County USD$12.99 PC Building Simulator USD$17.99+ SpiderHeck USD$14.99+ Goat Simulator 3: Windows Edition USD$29.99+ I Am Fish USD$19.99 Bugsnax USD$24.99Examinar...
PC版的话,如果是Steam平台,先关闭Steam云同步,路径是库→右键单击游戏→属性→更新→去掉云同步的勾,然后找到游戏存档位置“C:\Users\[你的用户名]\AppData\Local\UNDERTALE”,删除里面的“file 0”“file 9”等存档文件以及“undertale.ini”等相关配置文件。如果是手机移植版,直接卸载重装即可。不过要注意,删除...
PC 官方网站: 点击进入 标签: 弹幕欢乐剧情metaIGN10分重玩价值美式RPG 游戏语言: 3DM汉化 9.6 已有810人评分您还未评分! 游戏介绍 《传说之下》是一款由Toby Fox独立开发和发行的角色扮演游戏。游戏以像素风格呈现,玩家将扮演一名不慎落入地下怪物世界的人类小孩,为找寻离开的路而展开冒险。在游戏中,玩家面对敌人...
和平线:《PC》传说之下(undertale)—和平线(菜鸡版)屠杀线:《PC》传说之下(undertale)屠杀线(菜鸡版) 2021-02-19 10:19回复 丘宝可是名侦探 嗯,其实相比较正常模式来说,困难模式就是让小怪都变成终极形态,羊妈战难度增加,没了 2021-02-19 09:363回复 UP主觉得很赞 copaa UP哈哈~ 2021-02-19 10:...
PC版可点击界面下方小喇叭图标操作声音开关,手机版通常在游戏设置中的“声音”或“音频”类目下调节,也可能通过手机系统音量键调节,但要先确认游戏内是否开启音量键控制声音功能。 来自Android客户端2楼2025-01-15 21:30 回复 君未归期我已归 Human 1 在游戏中,按地图按钮左边小喇叭可开关声音,设置里可调整音...