* Because of how MCreator works i can't go back once i update my mod to a newer version of Minecraft so older version will not be updated with new stuff. * Allom tools require netherite or any modded tool with equal level to mine, to upgrade to allom tools you use the smithing tabl...
Underground Key - Used to open the portal to the underground, which you can make with purpur blocks. Underground Brick - Block mainly used in the Underground If you want Deltarune items along with it, then use this mod with it! Deltarune Mod 1.12.2 Made withMCreator...
在pickaxe_alarm里写入 myinteract=3global.msc=0global.msg[0]="*Oh^1&ApickaxefromMinecraft!/%%"global.typer=5global.facechoice=0global.faceemotion=0mydialoguer=instance_create(0,0,obj_dialoguer) 在ut的对话中,我们有这个要求 1.格式应该是global.msg[0] = " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /%%",如果你不...
美好农村生活家 共赴农村好时光
In the mod, you will be joining the dear boyfriend to defeat some skeletons from this series. You’ll do so on the following tracks, on the span of three weeks. Lazy Bones Bone Battle Idiot Lost and Found stmpwyfs Jurisdiction Autophobic Dysphoria TWR Try to finish each one of these ...
这个插件带来了一些在Undertale视频游戏的Minecraft袖珍版的人物。你可以驯服他们,并让他们为你的旅程你的同伴。也有几个不同的老板,你和你的驯服Undertale的朋友可以尝试在史诗战役打败的。 亚斯 替换末影 健康:49999.5心 攻击力:9999 SANS 替代对象骨架 健康:2分的心 射箭 在阳光下不燃烧 纸莎草 替代对象流浪 ...
UndertaleAU及MinecraftMOD介绍 爱喝骨汤的懒馒头 2022-07-17 如果你要继续你在做的事…… …… 你将会有段糟糕的时光。 SANS于雪町森林 屠杀路线(Genocide Route)为Undertale的主要结局之一。在玩家杀光所有地下世界能杀掉的怪物时达成路线。 屠杀路线的结局不需要其他触发条件。一旦主角完成屠杀路线,之后的完美...