IGN Kallie Plagge 10 / 10.0 It's hard to express just how much I adore Undertale without spoiling anything significant, but that's what I love about it. It tells its story in such a dynamic way, and with such a great understanding of the RPG player's mindset, that it couldn't hav...
遊戲的主線在於玩家試圖逃脫地下世界回到地表世界的旅程。這款遊戲受到了令人難以置信的良好回應,Steam上有超過一萬則評價,其中約有98%是正面的。它同時也在多人線上評論(multiple online reviews)以及IGN收到了最高分,10/10。 根據官方網站,本遊戲的平均遊玩時間約在六小時左右。
↑UNDERTALE 2nd Anniversary and ALARM CLOCK Development-undertale 发布于 Tumblr- 2017/09/15 ↑UNDERTALE is coming out for Nintendo Switch in just a few days on 9/18! If you've forgotten what it's all about, please check out our new trailer...! (We're really proud of this one!)-...
See, the opening two thirds of Undertale are so sparklingly good, so fizzing with creativity that it feels very distinct when the game moves into its last act and things go downhill a bit. They don’t go downhill a lot, but enough that when I travelled on a little boat and found m...
Customer Reviews Due to our system upgrades, this content is currently unavailable in your region.Specifications Hign-concerned Chemical None Source Countries Europe and the United States Source Type GAME Material POLYESTER Item Type sets Characters RalseiView more DescriptionReport Item Undertale Ralsei ...
IGN 10 / 10 Game Informer 9.5 / 10 GameSpot 9 / 10 Giant Bomb 5 / 5 Kotaku Yes Nintendo Life 9 / 10 View All 75 Critic Reviews Creators:tobyfox Release Date:Sep 15, 2015 -PlayStation 4,PC,PlayStation Vita,Nintendo Switch,PlayStation 5,Xbox One ...
遊戲的主線在於玩家試圖逃脫地下世界回到地表世界的旅程。這款遊戲受到了令人難以置信的良好回應,Steam上有超過一萬則評價,其中約有98%是正面的。它同時也在多人線上評論(multiple online reviews)以及IGN收到了最高分,10/10。 根據官方網站,本遊戲的平均遊玩時間約在六小時左右。
游戏的主线在于玩家试图逃脱地下世界回到地表世界的旅程。这款游戏受到了令人难以置信的良好回应,Steam上有超过一万则评价,其中约有98%是正面的。它同时也在多人线上评论(multiple online reviews)以及IGN收到了最高分,10/10。 根据官方网站,本游戏的平均游玩时间约在六小时左右。