具体列表如图所示,背包(ITEM)与电话(CELL)界面的选项列表穿插出现。物品ID可以在这个网址:https://pcy.ulyssis.be/undertale/items 确认,以前也分享过一份离线版的资源(https://pan.baidu.com/s/1zaw4IX5dDNNgCDLfVS9W3w 提取码:0pti )。电话选项ID列表在全文本文件里可以搜到: 当然这么一条条对照还是太麻...
Hi there, this a system/list that is here to show the threat level of what your character, item, verse, and so on may be in the Undertale AU Multiverse. It is a list divided up into nine tiers that each go up in power. You may add an individual, group, A
You'll come across two dogs, the Dogi, consisting of Dogamy and Dogaressa. These two focus a lot on smell as opposed to sight. Roll around in the snow to disguise your human scent, then have them re-sniff you. Once you pet both of them afterward, they'll be astounded at the idea...
Lined up D O G in the Dog Shrine, or... 2 guides Donation landmarks for certain events are on the sign on the left, and each one gives you a new furniture item if you leave and come back into the room (as well as an achievement). A majority of Undertale's achievements come fr...
一人一dog离骨星首都最远的地方,也是最贫困之地,在里面存在着一个小镇, 一个名为喀拉沙孜的小镇。 这里的人民生活不富裕,但还是能自给自足的,所以他们能在这里生活下去。 但是,由于那场一百年前发生的事故,让这个小镇的人受到了污染,他们的身上开始渐渐发生了一点小变化。
Get HTML of the pending edit by this user in the page Dog. api.php?action=query&prop=moderationpreload&mptitle=Dog&mpmode=parsed [在沙盒中打开] Get wikitext of section #2 (third section) of the pending edit by this user in the page Cat. api.php?action=query&prop=moderationpreload&mp...
如果不关闭dog check,将房间号修改为0-4、239-263、及265-335会进入坏档狗的界面。 具体的房间ID可以在https://pcy.ulyssis.be/undertale/rooms 查看,第二部分提供的那个离线版本资料下载当中包含一个文件名被重命名为编号加名称的房间图片文件夹,用起来应该会更方便一点。 最后是549行,记录当前周目的游戏时间...