【|视频内容并非我所作,如有能力请支持原作者|】 Undertale Yellow作者:MasterSwordRemix Undertale Yellow下载地址: 参与制作曲师: DYLZAL EmBer Figburn GlitchedPie MasterSwordRemix MyNewSoundtrack NoteBlock...
youtube/official soundtrack 音乐整合向(竟然有第二集woc)较为清楚的贴图除官方部分外基本均为UP主自己绘制,请勿随便取用此次并未注重阶段间的关联性、连贯性、逻辑性,整体看起来有些杂乱,就真的当曲集听一听就可以啦音乐不含其他模式(hard/expert/brutal/master等)与混音(remix/cover/take/remastered等)标了... 本质上只是想自己一个人后台放来听,但突然间有了想做视频的动力就做出来了,做这个视频的时候感觉自己短暂的回到了三年前(毕竟视频素材不是我自己的,如果只用图片又感觉太单调了,我就只是花了点点时间加字幕罢了)...
I really enjoyed this game, but overrated though. Did pacifist and finished, Asriel boss was easy, but still fun. Good story and battle system. Now, if we were talking about Deltarune, that game is practically perfect. 0 Reply Leave A Comment ...
Subscribe toNintendo LifeonYouTube796k Whoever did these, I applaud him/her for his/her fantastic work. "I'll take a potato chip... AND EAT IT!" Light Yagami, Death Note "Ah, the Breakfast Club soundtrack! I can't wait 'til I'm old enough to feel ways about stuff!" ...
I double-take when I see the sign on the front of the library. Something feels off, and I peer at the screen, and there…
On the other hand, the game features an excellent soundtrack, following a seemingly random assortment of tracks from a broad selection of genres. Although much of the music here is chiptune-inspired, there’s plenty of variety to be found, especially for the unique boss and character themes ...
亵渎天神是Terraria灾厄模组中呈现的其中一个Boss。是给我的一个翻版了它的主题曲的朋友创作的缩略图。”——i11end 所属:Terraria Calamity Mod同人绘画作品 网址: ...
我很高兴地宣布,NIHILISM中的一个「隐藏boss」将是绿桑。他藏匿得很深,你要细找,但就像所有其它隐藏boss一样,击败后将会给你一个新的武器、盔甲和一些其他的东西,这肯定会对你有帮助。 这是预览效果图(( OST VIDEO UNDERWAY! This video will not only show the ENTIRE completed soundtrack for Chapter 1,...
所以对滴,au将更多以怪物本身为主体,而不仅仅是sans或者frisk,所以像undyne、asgore、alphys这样的角色将会在故事中充当主要角色,我能说他们才是故事中的‘boss 额外细节:Sans不会像别的普通dust的au那样杀死皇室卫队,他会以极其残忍且痛苦的手段杀死他们: 他会把他的金项链缠在手上,把undyne活生生打死,就像用指虎一...