传说之下大型MOD undertale bits and pieces:热域,博士和机器人 376 2 9:14 App 传说之下大型MOD undertale bits and pieces:小羊战(下) 256 -- 11:07 App 传说之下大型MOD undertale bits and pieces:雪镇 481 -- 10:04 App 传说之下大型MOD undertale bits and pieces:鱼姐追逐战与大表哥 191 --...
undertale bits and pieces移植版下载游戏中你将扮演一位离家出走的女孩,一路上你会遇到很多稀奇古怪的事情。遇到NPC就上去打个招呼,看看有没有任务可以接取。遇到怪物就要拿出武器来进行战斗,你将独自一人在这里世界进行探索,努力提升自己的实力,去发现更多的剧情故事。 undertale bits and pieces移植版介绍 under...
https://gamejolt.com/p/undertale-bits-and-pieces-progress-report-and-new-hires-kfsxmfkj 2022年6月4日,4:01发布(北京时间)
刚打折入手Undertale,但觉得原版图形实在太老了,找了一堆mod都不大行,问问:1. 直接玩原版加汉化补丁2. 在1基础上添加Better Graphic HD mod(好像不兼容1.08,不知道1.001相比多了什么)3. 玩Bits and Pieces mod(5.0未完成,不知道内容变了多少)大佬们有推荐改善图形mod不改变内容的吗,个人倾向于原版加图形改善,...
Undertale: Bits and Pieces Mod RIBBIT - The Deltarune Mod Included Scripts Included are some test scripts. They are, but not limited to: Universal: Search: Simple search for text in decompiled code entries Scripts to batch import and export various types of asset files. Undertale only: En...
The linen pieces may turn into the ACT button, which, if touched, turn the broken staves into brand new, wooden staves. The staves' eyes turn into starry eyes and send green blasts, as for the cloak, it reforms and turns into a non-ragged version of itself. Winning "Ball" in ...
undertale bits and pieces(Bonetale)是一款像素冒险游戏。你将踏上一段全新的冒险旅程,挑战这个像素世界的所有bosses。每一关都有全新的地图设计,各种玩法都很有趣。你要充分发挥你的角色能力,快速解决一系列难题,灵活行走躲避障碍,还有很多宝藏等着你去收集。你将不断完成新的冒险挑战,并迅速获得入门奖励。有兴趣的...
The most complete tool for modding, decompiling and unpacking Undertale (and other Game Maker: Studio games!) - UndertaleModTool-UWP/README.md at master · RTFTR/UndertaleModTool-UWP