1996-07-22 WWF Monday Night Raw - The Undertaker VS Stone Cold Steve Austin, 视频播放量 729、弹幕量 0、点赞数 17、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 14、转发人数 3, 视频作者 Trick3g, 作者简介 oh my goodness,相关视频:【WWE NXT】第815期,【WWE SmackDown】第1309期,1
At SummerSlam 1998, the WWE Championship match between "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and The Undertaker almost went horribly wrong.
Undertaker在四方擂台中取得的辉煌数不胜数,Shawn Michaels,Triple H,"Stone Cold" Steve Austin,Randy Orton,Bret "Hit Man" Hart,The Rock,Edge,无一不曾从他手上败下阵来。 纵观他的WWE生涯,Undertaker时常会消失数月。就当人们都以为他已长眠地下之时,这位形象级选手总会神秘地回归擂台,将那些敢于伤害他的...
Steve Austin 2821 4 18:27 App <旗木解说>经典混混大战:Scott Hall vs Stone cold 3223 15 29:11 App <旗木>毫不留情1998经典火焰赛:KANE vs The Undertaker 4218 1 28:25 App <旗木>爆裂震撼1999:The Rock vs Stone Cold Steven Austin 5101 58 39:36 App <旗木>爆裂震撼2001:HHH&Stone Cold...
Stone_Cold_Steve_Austin 2011-11-13 14:36来自微博 weibo.com Undertaker的人在哪里? 21年系列标志着幸存者的Undertaker在1990年首次登场。但自从摔角狂热的下落后,Undertaker的行踪成为谜。他在哪里呢? 希望他的回归吗?疯狂转发吧!
1. ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, born Steven James Anderson on December 18, 1964, is an American icon. His name is synonymous with professional wrestling, media, and acting. As one of the most revered and influential wrestlers of all time, he played a crucial rol...
Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) vs. The Rock - Backlash 1999 for WWF Title 12.8千次浏览 0:42 Dilbert - Judge Stone Cold Steve Austin 257 人观看 4:56 СамыйПроверенныйСпособПоднятьТестостерон ...
Linda宣布Stone Cold Steve Austin主演的电影The Condemned目前的收入只有 440万美元,“低于预期”。她还说回报是“令人失望的”。她还说电影被定位为 R级别使得很多十几岁的WWE摔迷不能看到。 另外,Linda确定WWE将会继续努力争取在2008年初进行更多的HDTV的发展。
FULL EPISODE: Undertaker talks three decades of destruction with Austin: Broken Skull Sessions The Undertaker sits down for a hard-hitting, no-nonsense conversation on his 30-year career with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. Featured Videos +
而再接下来的竞争者就是Stone Cold Steve Austin了!不过感谢Hart Foundation,Undertaker获得了胜利。 后来Paul Bearer不断的提着那个"秘密"的事,而Undertaker最后没办法只好重回Paul的身边。虽然他还是经常对Paul的亲密战友Vader和Mankind挥拳,但是摔角迷们依然在意他。Faarooq是下一位跟Undertaker争头衔的竞争者,可是他并...