If your eyes move from the winter solstice to the summer solstice and back….your head moves up and down…as if you are nodding or saying yes…and makes a number one shape…..(the obelisk/erect penis makes a one shape…and moves up and down) and is it yet another coincidence that y...
The resultingBill of Rightstook power from the English monarch and ensured that Roman Catholicism would not be re-established. Burnet’s stand for the rule of scientific evidence was a turning point in the history of how we understood living processes, for it showed the diversity of living thin...
Other words such as BILLCRUA, GETBDATA, and EBT were derived from the previous analysis of the software. Those words caused VAE to bring associated CGs from the background knowledge. The sample paragraph also illustrates how Intellitex can process a wide range of syntactic constructions with a...