SectionⅠ Starting out & Understanding ideas—Comprehension [对应学生用书P125] 1.weekly adj.一周一次的,每周的→week n.周,星期 2.inspector n.检查员,巡视员→inspect v.检查;查看;视察→inspection n.检查;查看;视察 3.insist v.坚称,坚决认为→ insistence n.坚持,坚决要求 4.secrecy n.保密,秘密状态...
", "answers": [ "工商协进会", "工商协进会", "工商协进会" ] } ] } ] } CMRC2018数据集下载 8.DRCD 繁体阅读理解任务 Reading Comprehension for Traditional Chinese 台達閱讀理解資料集 Delta Reading Comprehension Dataset (DRCD)( 屬於通用領域繁體中文...
Reading comprehension- read and pull information from the related lesson on checking understanding in the classroom Explaining key concepts- correctly define and grasp what it means to evaluate student understanding Information recall- access the knowledge you've gained about what to do when students ar...
as you go through the answers, rather than going in order 1 to 8, you can nominate people to give the answer that they're most unsure of and want to check. Secondly, we can ask the rest of the class open questions
Answersmayvary. Activity1Fast-readingformainideas 1.Skimthepassageandmatcheachparagraphwithitsmainidea. Para.1A.Finningkillsmillionsofsharksayear. Para.2B.Theopeningscenefromthe1975filmJas. w Para.3C.Morepeoplewanttoprotectsharksfromextinction.
Every new observation finally added to the scientists inevitable comprehension of the cancer disease. For instance, in 1910, the discovery which a... Learn more about this topic: Diagnosis & Detection of Cancer from Chapter 7/ Lesson 7
高中英语外研版必修第二册Unit 2 Period 2 Starting out Understanding ideas—Language points.pdf,Period2 Startingout Understandingideas—Language points Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Nowadaysfewer andfewerpeoplearewillingtowriteahandwritten(手写的) letter. 2.And a news
If we estimate that the mean number ofyears of life lostis 13 years per person, then the total years of life lost would be about 1,300,000. If we estimate that the US treasury needed to borrow$3 trillion dollarsto mitigate this damage, the cost per year of life lost is $3 trillion...
7 In addition, the term ‘comprehension-based belief’ is sometimes used to describe beliefs about what the speaker said with an utterance formed on the basis of direct exposure to the utterance (rather than, say, testimony), that need not be accurate or well justified (e.g., Grodniewicz...
", "answers": [ "工商协进会", "工商协进会", "工商协进会" ] } ] } ] } CMRC2018数据集下载 8.DRCD 繁体阅读理解任务 Reading Comprehension for Traditional Chinese 台達閱讀理解資料集 Delta Reading Comprehension Dataset (DRCD)( 屬於通用領域繁體中文...