Understanding the world today: the roles of knowledge and knowing in higher educationThis article argues that knowledge is not a passive product of learning that can be possessed, but rather that it represents an active engagement with ideas, arguments and the world in which they reside. This ...
11:.So much of our knowledge and understanding of the world today is dueto people like Bacon and Galilei, who were brave enough to step outfrom the shadows of conventional thought in order to find the kingdomof knowledge that today’scivilization is built upon . 【句式翻译】【句式分析】【...
for that would mean a world without questions. 因为那就意味着这个世界没有了疑问。 So much of our knowledge and understanding of the world today is due to people like Bacon and Galilei, 我们今天这么多的知识和对世界的了解都要归功于像培根和伽利略这样的人, who were brave enough to step out ...
Translation and Psychometric Evaluation of a Chinese Version of the SF-36 Health Survey in the United States Outcome measures are rapidly becoming standard tools in the assessment of clinical effectiveness and in the measurement of health status in populations. In... XS Ren,BA Iii,Z Li,... -...
Myunderstandingof the situation is… 我对形势的看法是… 牛津词典 The statement is open to variousunderstandings. 这个声明可以有各种不同的诠释。 牛津词典 They agreed to the changes on theunderstandingthat they would be introduced gradually.
D)e In today's world, understanding how to analyze big data is a significant tool for students,scientists, and citizens alike-and a key topic during both speeches at the 2019 Research TeachersConference.+During their speeches, Lisa Purcell, Senior Scientist at Regeneron and Rnth Krumhanslfounde...
2. We owe so much of our knowledge and understanding of the world to people like Bacon and Galilei, who were brave enough to step out from the shadows of conventional thought in order to find the kingdom of knowledge that today's civilisation is built upon. (教材 $$ P _ { 3 7 } ...
Established in 2005, YouTube has become the most successful Internet website providing a new generation of short video sharing service. Today, YouTube alone consumes as much bandwidth as did the entire Internet in year 2000 [1]. Understanding the features of YouTube and similar video sharing si...
aToday, it is not distance, but culture that separates the peoples of the world. The central question of our time may be how to deal with cultural differences. So begins the book, Endangered Peoples, by Art Davidson. It is an attempt to provide understanding of the issues affecting the wo...
Conference participants said the congratulatory letter scientifically analyzed the general trend of the world today. They noted that to understand China, the key lies in understanding Chinese modernization, conveying the message that China looks forward to working hand in hand with the rest of the wor...