Since the very beginning of Bridgewater, we have believed that the most effective way to learn and compound understanding is through a systematic process. That is to say, when we discover insights about how the world works, we explicitly specify our understanding into a set of rules that can ...
From the last three decades of the nineteenth century to the end of World War I, an international crusade to purify sexual conduct focused on the need to reeducate society, particularly men, in the control of sexuality. Rooted in earlier women’s temperance and moral reform traditions, the Am...
Day, just like Good Friday, to reflect, to ask myself, ‘why am I not the not-so-Good Samaritan; why am I the one that would go to the other side of the road; why am I the one, that being as privileged as I am, would make myself feel better by literally, just writing a c...
Software Development Process is an iterative logical process that aims to create programmed software to meet unique business or personal objectives, goals, or processes. The objective is achieved by a software developer writing computer code. However, it also involves multiple steps such as research,...
Multicomponent reactions (MCRs) that chemically combine three or more molecules into a brand new product are faster and generate less waste than traditional step-by-step synthetic procedures, making them invaluable in efforts to improve efficiency and su
Remember that all of the code we are writing is also available in the GitHub repository. Please note (as of 01 September 2020) the Caltech 101 dataset has moved locations and now has to be downloaded through Google Drive using gdown: $ gdown
For the sake of simplicity, we won't get into the detailed steps as it has been already shown in this blogDeploying a Large Language Model (GPT-2) on Azure Using Power Automate: Step-by-Step Guide (microsof...rather we will have an overview of what need...
This is a tutorial that aims to demonstrate the practical fundamentals behind using LanguageExt in a fashion though step-by-step tutorials which introduce and then build up on concepts. - stumathews/UnderstandingLanguageExt
Struggling to find motivation in your life? Connect With A Licensed Online Therapist The information on this page is not intended to be a substitution for diagnosis, treatment, or informed professional advice. You should not take any action or avoid taking any action without consulting with...
size. Each time you need to apply formatting to the heading, you have to go through the entire process to get the text the way you want it. If you store the formatting commands in a style, you can apply that style any time you need it without having to do all of the reformatting....