图书The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus as the Key to an Understanding of His Messianic Consciousness 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
Jesus has come and conquered. The war is already won in the heavens. Jesus told us in Matthew 28:18 that, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” We now have the privilege of having an eternal relationship with God. Many of us enter into that covenant of ...
By the time of the New Testament, Jewish notions of Satan and demonology had congealed into a more developed system that explained the phenomena of possession we see in the gospels. When Jesusclaimed, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven,” His remark was not received with the pu...
We uncover the deeper meaning behind the baptism of Jesus, his temptation in the desert wilderness, the Wedding at Cana (found in John 2), as well as Jesus' proclam... 1 hr. 19 min. Ch. 20 - What Jesus Taught We come to better understand what Jesus says in Mark's Gospel: "The ...
“Greater love has no man than this, that he lays down his life for his friends.”– Jesus In this fraudulent civilization where everything is fake and stupid, we are not accustomed to such sincerity. We’re accustomed to vapid mainstream culture manufactured in New York and Los Angeles, ...
Bacon’s story of New Atlantis began, only a few years after the Ascension of Jesus, with the miraculous arrival on the island of a copy of the Bible. The event was celebrated each year as the “Feast of the Family” and was accepted by everyone as the mainstream morality that would co...
Today’s verse points us in an important direction. The Lord expects us to be devoted to one another in brotherly love. This is something we do as part of Jesus’ command for Christians to love one another. In John 14:34, 35 Jesus declares, “A new command I give you: Love one ano...
We grieve the harm that has come to The Trinity Church as well as the damage to the reputation of Jesus among unbelievers through Mark’s words and actions. While qualifications for ministry may be in question, he at least appears to be right in James River debacle. James River Church ...
Learn more about God, Jesus and Holy Spirit through Christian Principles, Stories and Parables found in the Bible right here at Kingdom Revelations. Learn about Gods Kingdom and how to Fight against the Kingdom of Darkness through Revelation of His Word.
Haws, who is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is suing a state scholarship board, alleging it violated his First Amendment right to freely exercise his religion. His attorney argues that by denying Haws’ request for a leave of absence, the board forced him to...