C)Electricityandthespeed of light D)Nuclear energy and electromagnetism 2)Monologue of Einstein Ten years later I presentedthegeneral theory of relativity、The general theory showed that gravity is not a force, asNewtonhad thought、It is instead a curvature ofthespace-time continuum、 2 33~62 Wh...
Customer relationship management and the customer-firm data Exchange Factors affecting retailers’ ability to generate a competitive advantage from consumer data Discussion Conclusion Executive Summary Acknowledgments ReferencesShow full outline Cited by (43) Figures (2) Tables (2) Table 1 Table 2Journal...
Light propagates through an optical fiber via total internal reflection from the refractive index mismatch between the cladding and the core. The larger the incident angleɵI, the greater the number of reflections and the longer the time required to transit the fiber. Modes that...
In plants, melatonin mainly functions as a growth promoter and antioxidant9. It has the activities of delaying senescence, enhancing photosynthesis, regulating the photoperiod, affecting seed germination and root morphogenesis, regulating flowering and fruit ripening, removing free radicals, and alleviating ...
Despite the significant impact of driver behavior on fuel consumption and carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions, this phenomenon is often overlooked i
cladding of the optical fiber at a shallow angle. by maintaining a smooth and polished fiber surface, light can be reflected internally, allowing for high-speed and lossless data transmission over long distances. how does diffuse reflection contribute to the appearance of textured surfaces in ...
Results show that the probability of speeding was higher for light vehicles and their followers, for leaders of platoons with larger front gaps, during late afternoon and early morning, when higher proportions of surrounding vehicles were speeding, and at the upstream of work areas. The second ...
JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format. Based on a subset of the European Computer Manufacturers Association Script (ECMAScript, which is a JavaScript specification developed by the ECMA), JSON uses a text format independent of the programming language to store and express data with a simpl...
you can blur the foreground or background of your image. With a smaller f-stop number — a wider aperture — more light enters your camera. This means your shutter speed should be fast enough to avoid overexposure or blowing out the whites in your photograph. Understanding the relationship be...