1、二者含义有所区别 名词 understanding 和comprehension 均可表示“理解”、“了解”,但understanding 不仅表示“了解”,还含有对他人观点的赏识和同感。2、二者强调内容不同 understanding是一种普遍意义上的理解,有广泛性;而comprehension却不仅表示“了解”,还强调理解能力,是“理智的理解”。3、二者...
"I want to promote an understanding about mental illness"means I want lots of people to understand the problems surrounding the condition and how it affects patients and relatives. 中文翻译是:我想推动大众对精神疾病的了解。这里的understanding包含意思是“对某事的看法的一致性”。大众对mental illness不...
We must tackle the problem with sympathy andunderstanding. 我们必须带着同情和谅解来处理这个问题。 牛津词典 We are looking for a betterunderstandingbetween the two nations. 我们正在寻求两国间的进一步了解。 牛津词典 Myunderstandingof the situation is… ...
egManykindsofbirdsflysouthattheapproachofwinter.Ourapproachfrightenedthebirds.Alltheapproachestothepalacewereguardedbysoldiers.Theyhaveanewapproachtoteachinglanguages.way,means,method,approach waymeansmethod approach 处理任何事物的方法 指实现目的的手段 指合乎逻辑、科学系统的方法 指待人接物或思考问题的方式、...
1. What do you think the saying means?2. Do you agree with the saying? Give some examples to support your opinions. le 3、ad-in Travel provides a learning experience like no other.When you travel, you learn things about the people and places you see.e.g. I never realized how well-...
Public sentiment towards the police is a matter of great interest in the United States, as reports on police misconduct are increasingly being published in mass and social media. Here, we test how the public’s perception of the police can be majorly sha
1. 共识 容易促成知识 的分享及共识(Shared Understanding)。 也许您会认为,以领域概念做为分的根据,是个全新的做法;其实软体 … www.docin.com|基于20个网页 2. 共享理解 ...与者同意的基础上, 达成共识, 这样就产生了小组的共享理解(shared understanding). 在 e-Learning 环境下,共享理解对学习者 … ...
108. Why does the author mention “girl” in paragraph 2? A.To show how powerful Xinhua Dictionary is. B.To support the idea: languages keep changing. C.To prove new words are being added to dictionaries. D.To imply “girl” also means “boy” in some cases.109. What’s the author...