Some people seem to have unique wisdom. This gift is called discernment, and it is a kind of wisdom that comes from insight as much as from learned experience and knowledge. In the Christian faith, it comes from the Holy Spirit.
a加强法律意识,增强辨别是非和自我意识的能力,树立自尊、自立、自强意识 Enhancement law consciousness, the enhancement discernment right and wrong and self-awareness ability, the setting up self-respect, supports oneself, striving to improve consciousness[translate] ...
3. knowledge] Rather, discernment, R.V. See Proverbs 1:2, note. Pulpit CommentaryVerse 3. - Yea, if thou criest after knowledge. The endeavour after Wisdom is not only to be sincere, it is also to be earnest, as appears from the "yea, if," and the verbs "crying" and "lifting ...
He was interrupted by his father’s uncontained joy. In the embrace of his father, the son was welcomed, forgiven, and restored to full sonship. His father honored him with a fine robe to cover his nakedness. He received from his father a ...
My son, if you receive my words, And treasure my commands within you, So that you incline your ear to wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding;Yes, if you cry out for discernment, And lift up your voice for understanding, If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for ...
The Full Armor of GodThe Meaning of "Selah"What Is Grace? Bible Definition and Christian QuotesWhat is Discernment? Bible Meaning and ImportanceWhat Is Prophecy? Bible Meaning and ExamplesChristianity / Theology / Sin / What Is Sin as Defined in the Bible?Is...
"Understanding" in Hebrew is "binah," which refers to insight, discernment, or intelligence. While human understanding is a gift from God, it is limited and fallible. The verse cautions against elevating personal insight above divine revelation. Historically, the wisdom literature of the Bible, ...
Headship with Gentile and Genuine authority discernment Defining the headship authority model from Genesis to Christ and His Church Headship is still authority in marriage and wifely submission is obedience Part 2 Headship is still authority in marriage Part 2 addendum Therefore, it would also behoo...
For this reason we also, from the day we first received these tidings, have never ceased to pray for you and to entreat that you may be filled with a clear knowledge of His will accompanied by thorough wisdom and discernment in spiritual things;World English BibleFor this cause, we also,...
then “spiritual” (not carnal, earthly, human) discernment is required. In Romans 7:14 we read, “For we know that the law (the whole word of God, the Bible) is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.“ Therefore, only if we are being guided by God the Holy Spirit, as a...