The crucifixion marks the faith of Christianity as definitively different and even unique. She aims at bridging the gap between academic scholars and the pastors of local congregations as she persuasively argues that if Christian faith habitually skips over the crucifixion, it becomes sentimentalized,...
Excerpt from Toward the Understanding of Jesus: And Other Historical StudiesToward the Understanding of Jesus: And Other Historical Studies was written by Vladimir G. Simkhovitch in 1921. This is a 180 page book, containing 46184 words. Search Inside is enabled for this title.About the Publisher...
Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and Christians believe that on Good Friday, Jesus gave his flesh by being punished and dying for believer’s sins. To serve as a reminder, the Church recommends Christians to ‘abstain from meaty flesh’ on the anniversary of the Messiah...
Jesus was born into a poor and humble family, so poor that Jesus' first cradle was a cattle manger. But the night he was born, an angel choir announced his birth: "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:11) ...
B. Summary of Principles for Understanding Apparent Bible Difficulties: Aristotle’s Literary Dictum: “the benefit of the doubt is to be given to the document itself, not arrogated by the critic to himself.” 1. The unexplained is not necessarily ...
“And the Angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.’”Luke 2:10 It is Christmas, and we again celebrate the birth of Jesus. According to the Bible, these words were spoken by an angel on the night...
the researcher explores the folk religious elements present in the development of the millenarian movements, the unique faith expressions and influences behind folk Catholic feasts and celebrations, and probes deeper into the meaning of ordinary faith expressions. Coming from his own experiences and insi...
This female line expands the understanding of Salvation History as described by Dei Verbum so that it runs not just from Adam through to Jesus, but also from Adam and Eve to Mary and Jesus, the final Adam. Ratzinger’s female line demonstrates that women are at the heart of God’s plan...
Islam for Christians is a main informative online source of knowledge about the true message of Prophet Jesus and how Muslims view him.
When men rejected Jesus’s testimony and his authority received of the Father, they reject The Father and the son. They have rejected both the witness of the Father and the son. Jesus said he does the work of the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit. ...